Thursday, May 15, 2008


By J.Berg

Min släkt är full av hjältar 

Decennier av slit 

Brustna hjärtan, trötta leder 

Deras stolthet bar mig hit 

Nu är dom gömda bakom stjärnor 

Vid vintergatans kant 

Dom är glömda men dom talar 

Genom pennan i min hand 

Och dom bar mig ända hit 

Jag ska besvara elden 

Om jag kan ta dig dit 

Jag ska bevara elden 

i en sång för vår elit 

Genom 57 kanaler 

Satelliter i en ring 

Ett hundra överklass poeter 

Kan inte ge mig någonting 

Jag har sprungit i ett liv nu 

Jag sprang för att stå still 

I jakt på ett mirakel 

när det fanns precis intill 

Nu är jag vaken jag är fri


My family is made of heroes
Decades of hard work
Broken hearts, joint pain
Their pride carried me here
They are hiding beyond the stars now
At the edge of the Milky Way
They are forgotten but speaking
Through the pen in my hand
And they carried me right here

I will respond to the internal fire
If I can take you there
I will preserve the fire
In a song for our elite

Through 57 channels
Satellites in a ring
One hundred upper class poets
Can’t give me anything
I have been running through a life now
I ran too stand still
I was hunting for a miracle
When it was right next to me
Now I am awake and free

The English translation is many times direct, but it was sometimes hard to find the same spirit as in the Swedish version. Many of the verbs worked in the translation, but some of them were hard to find. The expression joint pain, is not the exact translation, it should be tired joint, but that wouldn’t give the right feeling. I also made the expression about fire more clearly, by putting internal in front off. The language in the text is not common used in Sweden, and due to that fact, in my ears it sounds odd in English.

The music group, Kent, is one of the most successful rock groups in Sweden through the times. The song text is slightly politically, and it’s about their parents who built the Swedish welfare state in the 1950’s. The working class people who wanted welfare for everybody, and the writer think that they are the ones who built the Swedish welfare. Due to that fact, he calls them the elite. The common view of the word elite is, highly educated, and upper class people. But he doesn’t see them as the ones who built the society; instead we should be thankful to the working class.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Love the music link. Good analysis, too.
